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  • (2019秋•宁德期末) 你想知道现在几点了,你可以这样问:
    更新:2021/07/11 组卷:0 难度:0.50
  • (2018秋•乌拉特前旗期末) There are sixty teachers in our school._____ of them    women.(  )
    更新:2021/07/11 组卷:0 难度:0.50
  • (2017秋•新乡月考) Whenever(任何时候)we hear about"the homeless",most of us think of the developing world.But in fact,the truth is that homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a wealthy,developed country like Germany?
    Kurt Muller and his(36)
    Rita have spent eleven years making meals for the homeless of Berlin,Germany's capital.They first began to do that in a hot summer when most Germans were away and enjoyed themselves on holiday.Kurt and his wife stayed at (37)
    ,made sandwiches and some delicious food by themselves,set up a table in the street and gave the (38)
    to the homeless.
    The Mullers soon realized that food wasn't enough.Most of the homeless people are lonely,they have no friends or relatives."(39)
    these people also need is warmth and caring,"says Rita.The Mullers gave their phone number to the street people (40)
    thinking and told them to phone anytime.Rita made sure there was (41)
    at home to answer the phone and their home was always open to anyone who couldn't face another night on the street.
    The couple were soon (42)
    all their time and money,so Kurt visited food and clothing companies to ask for donations.Today,over thirty companies donate food and other goods and volunteers (43)
    to give them away to the homeless.The public also give clothes and money and a backpack producer donates new backpacks.
    Kurt and Rita put their love to good use by helping homeless people in Berlin,they didn't receive any payment for their hard work."We feel like parents,"says Rita,"and parents shouldn't expect money for helping their children.The love (44)
    we get on the streets is our salary."(45)
    Rita says she often gets tired,she feels good about helping other people.
    They will go on with their work because they like the feeling of having made a difference in the world.

    36.A.friend B.wife C.sister D.mother
    37.A.school B.hospital C.home D.factory
    38.A.food B.money C.books D.clothes
    39.A.How B.Why C.When D.What
    40.A.without B.with C.before D.for
    41.A.nobody B.anybody C.somebody D.everybody
    42.A.spending B.losing C.saving D.lending
    43.A.let B.make C.help D.get
    44.A.who B.whom C.where D.that
    45.A.And B.Though C.But D.So.
    更新:2021/07/12 组卷:0 难度:0.40
  • (2013•济南) Anne is a newspaper reporter.She chose this (1)
    so she could travel around the world.The work has taught her many unforgettable lessons.She has seen wars,earthquakes and death.But she has (2)
    seen courage,hope and happiness.
        Last year,she won an award for her reporting in Africa.She was very proud (3)
    it.At first,she thought she got the award because of her good work.But then she realized that she should thank many other people for (4)
        Anne was born in Jamaica.Her family was not poor,but it was not (5)
    ,either.Her parents had to (6)
    hard so that she could go to school.At school,Anne was not a good student,(7)
    she enjoyed writing because her English teacher said,"Anne,you are a wonderful (8)
    ."The teacher encouraged her all the time.
         Later,Anne went to university in Canada and then (9)
    for a job.It was very difficult.Then,one day,she went to see the editor of a newspaper in Ottawa.The editor gave her a job."Everyone needs a(10)
    at first."He said.

    (1)A. book B. job C. sweater D. picture
    (2)A. still B. never C. also D. only
    (3)A. to B. of C. for D. from
    (4)A. my B. his C. our D. their
    (5)A. rich B. new C. small D. big
    (6)A. study B. walk C. work D. play
    (7)A. but B. if C. because D. so
    (8)A. farmer B. nurse C. doctor D. writer
    (9)A. looked B. made C. joined D. found
    (10)A. ticket B. hobby C. chance D. habit
    更新:2021/07/13 组卷:0 难度:0.50
  • (2013•成都) In America,the school day usually starts at 9am and finishes at about 4pm.The school subjects (61)
     different from ours.In China,we always (62)
    Chinese,math,English,P.E.and so on.But in America,students have more (63)
    ,such as cooking and driving lessons.Their school life isn't just (64)
    study.They have (65)
     things to do than the Chinese students do.There are many clubs in American schools,too.If the students are (66)
    in sports,they can join different sports clubs.American students also have art clubs,language clubs and some (67)
    clubs.From 2:30pm to 4pm,they do (68)
    things in different clubs.
    Maybe you think English is very poor in the world,so American students don't need to learn any other language.(69)
     that's not true.American children form the age of seven (70)
     learn a foreign language.For example,they learn French or Chinese

    61.A.is B.are C.were
    62.A.have B.think C.had
    63.A.clubs B.sports C.lessons
    64.A.about B.over C.down
    65.A.much B.more C.many
    66.A.interest B.interested C.interesting
    67.A.other B.another C.others
    68.A.impossible B.dangerous C.different
    69.A.Because B.So C.But
    70.A.have to B.don't have to C.had to.
    更新:2021/07/13 组卷:0 难度:0.50
  • Dear readers,
        Imagine a little girl who knows there will not be enough food for dinner, who can't fill her stomach with water because it's polluted (被污染), and who has watched lives slipped away (消失) from her father, little brother and sister because the family is too poor to see a doctor. She would gladly walk miles to school, but her mother needs her badly (非常) at home. What will her future be?
       Is it hard to believe? For Maria Pestora, it is real life.
        But with just 52 pennies a day, you can sponsor (资助) a child like Maria. Through "Save the Children",you can help Maria's mother get the tools and ways she needs to turn their poor food into a good dinner, and get the money she needs to buy clothes and school things for Maria.
        To help Maria most, your money is put together with that of other sponsors. Building schools, hospitals, bringing in clean water is what"Save the Children"has been working on since 1932.
        For you there are many rewards. You have the chance to write to or hear from the child you sponsored, to receive photos or progress reports, to know you are reaching out to another person, not with a handout (救济品), but a hand up. That's how "Save the Children" works. But without you, it can't work. Please take a moment now to fill in and post the form below to help a child like Maria.
        It can make a difference in his/her life and yours.
    For the children
    David Li Guyer
    (1)We can read the letter in

    A.somebody's diary
    B.a piece of newspaper
    C.a progress report
    D.a story book
    (2)What's Maria's most serious problem?

    A.She has no chance to go to school.
    B.Her father died of a serious disease.
    C.Hard work has made her suffer a lot.
    D.Her mother needs her badly at home.
    (3)What is "Save the Children"?

    A.An activity to help poor children go to school.
    B.An office of the government to collect money.
    C.A program shown at theaters to help the poor.
    D.A group who works for children in poor places.
    (4)The last sentence in the letter means "
    A.If Maria goes to school, you will be rewarded
    B.What you give is more than what you take
    C.Both Maria's life and yours will change a lot
    D.Maria and you can help each other at school
    (5)Which activity is similar to "Save the Children"?

    A.English Corner
    B.Project Hope
    C.The Summer Camp
    D.Job Training
    更新:2021/07/13 组卷:0 难度:0.40
  • Li Keran, a great Chinese, was born in 1907 in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. He was clever but quiet in his childhood. When he was very small, he showed a great love for painting. He would choose to stay at leisure areas and create paintings on the ground, winning cheers.
        When he was 13, Li followed Qian Shizhi, a local wisdom, to study traditional mountain and river paintings. At the age of 16, he entered the Normal Section of Shanghai Private School of Fine Arts, studying both traditional Chinese paintings and Western arts. Six years later, he began to study in the Hangzhou West Lake Art Institute, where he followed Lin Fengmian, headmaster there. During the War of Resistance against Japan, he created many anti-Japanese paintings, and encouraged millions upon millions of Chinese to take up arms. In 1946 XuBeihong invited him to teach at the National School of Arts of Peiping, which gave him the good chance to get in touch with QiBaishi, who later had great influence on him.
        Li studied the best painting skills of ancient and modern painters, and at the same time, paid attention to real life in drawing sketches(素描). He introduced innovations(革新)to Chinese paintings by using skills from Western paintings. However, he kept the traditional Chinese painting skills. The innovations he brought to Chinese paintings were his careful observation of mountains and rivers, combining(融合)with foreign painting skills.
        Li is also famous for his paintings of oxen. He liked oxen for their strong will and hard work and their devotion to farmers. He even named his studio Shi Niu Tang, which means a -Learning-from-ox Hall, where he spent many years painting lots of oxen. In the 1980 s, he set up
        -Li School for the poor, just like -Project Hope today.

    (1)Which of the following best describes Li Keran?

    A. Strange and quiet.
    B. Clever and out-going.
    C. Skilled and worried.
    D. Creative and devoted.
    (2)When did Li Keran learned art from Lin Fengmian?

    A. In 1920.
    B. In 1923.
    C. In 1929.
    D. In 1946.
    (3)What can we know about Li Keran's innovations?

    A.He created both paintings and sketches.
    B.He improved both ancient and modern painting skills.
    C.He combined traditional Chinese skills with western painting skills.
    D.He introduced his paintings of oxen to many students and followers.
    (4)-Li School was set up for

    A. the old
    B. the poor
    C. the disabled
    D. the wounded
    (5)The text is mainly developed by

    A. giving examples
    B. following time order
    C. comparing facts
    D. offering suggestions
    更新:2021/07/13 组卷:0 难度:0.40
  • Traditional American summer camps offer young people a chance to play many sports. These camps may be in the mountains. (1)
    Some camps teach activities like painting or music. Or they teach computer programming or foreign languages. Children at all kinds of camps meet new friends.
        Some children go to camp during the day and return home at night. (2)
    Children stay at an overnight camp for between one and eight weeks. Parents need to pay. Children from poor families might not have a chance to attend summer camps. The Fresh Air Fund is a well-known organization. (3)
      Each summer it sends ten thousand poor children to stay with families in the country or to five camps in New York State.
     Many American women now work outside the home. Working parents need a place where their children can be cared for during the summer when they are not in school.
        Young people who like the arts can learn about painting, music, acting or writing. Camps that offer programs in science and environmental studies are popular, too. There are also camps for older children who like wilderness adventure. (5)
    Or, they go rock-climbing or horse-riding.

    A.Others stay at camps all day and all night.
    B.Or they may be in the woods, or at a lake.
    C.These campers usually take long trips by bicycle.
    D.Summer camps have become important to millions of families.
    E.People around the country give money to support the organization.
    更新:2021/07/13 组卷:0 难度:0.40
  • A
    Jobs Are ChangingToday there are nearly a million call-centre workers in the UK but twenty years ago there was no such job.
        What's it like to work in a call centre? Nicki Mathews, 18, says, -It's a job for people like me, who don't know what they want to do! You have to answer calls all day, so it's very boring. It's hard, for the callers would shout at you but you aren't allowed to be rude. It's really strict-the leaders make you follow a text and they listen to your calls to check.
        -They don't let you take breaks between calls. In some call centres, they even don't let you go to theloo! But it's not so bad where I work. If a caller troubles us, they let us have a break until we feel better. And they let us chat between calls-in some call centres, that's not allowed! We have a laugh, and you meet lots of people, because no one stays long!
    150 years ago, it was the only job that a "lady" could do.
        Thousands of governesses(女家庭教师)in Britain lived in rich families, teaching their children. Young ladies became governesses because their own families had no money. Jane in the novel(小说)Jane Eyre was a governess. She was lucky and married her employer(雇主). But what was life like for real governesses?
        In real life, the governess gave lessons, and in return, the employers let her live in their home and paid her only pocket money. But they often treated her badly: they made her eat her meals alone, and sometimes she had to share a bedroom with the children. Often, they didn't let the governess leave the house and she wasn't allowed to meet men. It was very difficult for governesses to marry and escape!

    (1)What is most needed for a caller?

    A. Patience.
    B. Imagination.
    C. Courage.
    D. Knowledge.
    (2)What does the underlined word -loo‖ probably mean in Chinese?

    A. 学校
    B. 超市
    C.  卧室
    D. 厕所
    (3)What does the author say about Jane in Jane Eyre?

    A. She made lots of money.
    B. She taught her employer.
    C. She wasn't a governess.
    D. She was well treated.
    (4)What kind of life did a governess live 150 years ago?

    A. Hard.
    B. Rich.
    C. Free.
    D. Lucky.
    (5)What's the main purpose of the text?

    A. To introduce two different jobs.
    B. To tell about the history of the UK.
    C. To encourage young ladies to work hard.
    D. To share the information about Jane Eyre.
    更新:2021/07/13 组卷:0 难度:0.40
  • C
        Paper has been around for a long time. It was invented by the Chinese about A.D. 105. In the 1400 s the printing press was invented in Europe. For the first time, large numbers of books could be made. Many paper factories were built.
        Now we use paper for lots of things. Most of the paper goods we take for granted haven't been in use for very long. There were no paper towels 100 years ago. Paper bags were seldom used. Children in school wrote on stones, not on paper.
        Each person in a rich country uses about 350 pounds of paper a year! A person in a poor country uses about 40 pounds a year. This adds up to a lot of paper and a lot of trees! It takes more than 2 tons of wood to make 1 ton of paper. The more paper we use, the more trees have to be cut down. Luckily, many kinds of paper can be reused. Packing boxes and newspapers are now made from recycled paper.
        Let's take a look at how paper is made. First, of course, the trees are cut down. The logs(原木)are carried by truck to a pulp(纸浆)factory. The skin is cut off from the logs. Then logs are moved into water and broken into chips. Chemicals are added, and the chips become pulp. The pulp is put into a moving screen. Water is removed out of the pulp. A thin sheet of fibers(纤维)is left. This sheet is heated and dried. Thenit passed through rollers(滚筒机). At last it is paper.

    (1)What is the text mainly about?

    A. The invention of paper.
    B. The history of printing.
    C. The use of paper bags.
    D. The development of chemicals.
    (2)Books were made in large numbers

    A. about A.D. 105 in China
    B. for the first time in China
    C. in the 1400 s in Europe
    D. nearly 100 years ago in Europe
    (3)How much wood is needed to make paper for each person every year in the rich country?

    A. About 350 pounds.
    B. About 700 pounds.
    C. More than 1 ton.
    D. More than 2 tons.
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE?

    A.The first paper factory was set up in China.
    B.Paper was widely used in schools hundreds of years ago.
    C.Newspapers can be made from recycled paper.
    D.Chemicals should be put into water to break logs into chips.
    (5)What does the underlined word -it in the last paragraph refer to?

    A. Water.
    B. A moving screen.
    C. Pulp.
    D. A sheet of fibers.
    更新:2021/07/13 组卷:0 难度:0.40
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